07 February 2019
CRL Chesterfield's Safety Culture Day
On Friday, 18th January, CRL Chesterfield and N.W. Region held their Safety Culture Day at the Chesterfield Football Club where we hosted around 100 delegates, including our site teams, regional management and supply chain representatives.
Following a welcome address by Dave Burgess a Team Building exercise was introduced, the challenge being to replicate the Chesterfield Parish Church’s Crooked Spire using straws and marshmallows. Each of the 10 tables produced several structures and everyone was declared a winner. (Photo)
The speakers for the day were sourced from outside the company in order to provide an alternative approach to our previous Safety Day. The intended outcome of the day was to go beyond the traditional safety themes and develop a more inclusive approach towards how we treat people at work.
Our speakers included Sam Leigh who spoke about Mental Health First Aid and what we can do to address the situation of mental health in the workplace; Mark Heath, from the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority, whose aim is to protect vulnerable and exploited workers, who described the prevalence of Modern Day Slavery within labour supply chains; Mick Loughran, a motivational speaker, who gave an emotional talk on Motivation and how one error at work has impacted him, and his family’s life; Carole Ann Smith provided an informative talk on how Fairness, Inclusion and Respect is being implemented at work and throughout society through the identification and eradication of any form of discrimination and, lastly, Andy Butterfield of Highways England expanded on the HE’s Home Safe and Well philosophy. (photos)
Andy Came provided a summary of the day along with an update on CRL’s current business situation and future prospects.
All the delegates were invited to complete a questionnaire to establish what they thought we did well and what we could do to improve for a future Safety Culture Day. The overall feedback was mostly favourable.
All delegates were given a ‘Goody Bag’ upon departure that contained a selection of information on mental and physical health matters along with some small gifts.
The day’s event was the culmination of 5 months of planning and team work and our thanks go, in particular, to Lyndsey Fox and Keysha Parker for ensuring housekeeping matters, including venue, refreshments, IT, table settings and ‘Goody Bags’ were all co-ordinated and that the day went without a hitch.