CRL Mitcham are currently carrying out various works at Parkway MSCP located in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. The car park was constructed in the 1990’s and with signs of spalling now starting to show, West Suffolk Council thought it was time for a complete refurbishment and upgrade.
The project was tendered 2 years ago but was then shelved due to budgetary constraints. This time round, with some smart tendering we were successful in securing the works and in August last year were awarded the contract for £1.3mil.
The works include concrete repairs to the floors and soffits, the design and installation of a galvanic anode and migrating corrosion inhibitor corrosion protection system, the application of a Triflex deck coating system to all deck surfaces and an anti-carbonation paint to all exposed concrete surfaces (beams and soffits). To assist the general public in moving around the car park colour coding was introduced on each parking level and pedestrian walkways demarcated.
Parkway MSCP
Michael Balletta
Whilst on site we will also be painting the two faces of the clock on the clock tower, carrying out emergency lighting upgrade works, and various ancillary maintenance and repair works.
The project, which started on September 5 is due to last 36 weeks.