During the peak of the Coronavirus pandemic, Highways England still proceeded with their programme of works in Area 10 such as the M56 Helsby Viaduct scheme and the M53 Moreton North Bridge Replacement scheme.

CRL have been appointed as Principal Contractor for a bridge replacement scheme at Junction 2 of the M53 motorway on the Wirral. The scheme involves the removal and demolition of the existing bridge deck, followed by the strengthening of the half-joints and construction of the new bridge deck. The scheme started on site at the beginning of April 2020, and is programmed for completion at the beginning of June 2021. The value of the scheme for CRL is £2.177 million.

During the weekend of the 31st July / 1st August and 2nd August, the existing bridge deck was lifted out, rotated, and transported approximately 100m along the south bound carriageway using an SPMT from Mammoet. It then turned into the temporary laydown area, and was carefully positioned on top of the reinforced steel containers, where it is being demolished and removed from site.

The bridge had been constructed using concrete hollow box sections with a 200mm thick concrete deck, and 100mm surfacing layer. Following the hydro-demolition and re-casting of the half-joints, the new bridge will be constructed using structural steel beams and a 200mm thick concrete deck, followed by the 100mm surfacing.
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5th August 2020
Driving on Through the Pandemic